What is Civics Education?
The CivXNow Coalition, of which the League of Women Voters of the United States is a member, outlines that:
“Civics education covers the study of the rights and obligations of citizens in society by teaching politics, law, American history, and closely related subjects and disciplines. Additionally, civics education can mean hands-on opportunities for students to put learning into practice such as service learning, clubs, and/or opportunities for students to participate in school governance.”
All students have the right to a comprehensive civics education that prepares them to take part in our democracy.
What Might a More Robust Civics Education Look Like?
The Civics Secures Democracy Act [HR1814 ] [S4384] was introduced in the US Senate earlier this year, with similar bills in the House, to fill some of the gaps in civics education. The bill would invest in states to support the expansion of civics curriculums and allow states to create programs tailored to their students’ needs, expanding civics knowledge and preparing students to be actively engaged in democracy. Notably, this is a bipartisan effort sponsored by Senators Coons, Cornyn, King, Inhofe, Kelly, and Cassidy and represents a shared value to cultivate civically engaged youth. The League supports bringing the Civics Secures Democracy Act for debate and passage to promote an informed population through K-12 education around the country.